LOVE Consulting Librarian.
Buffista Business Talk: I wanted simple, I wanted in-and-out, I wanted easy money.
A virtual watercooler where Buffistas in business can talk, share, exchange, bemoan, exult and assorted other power verbs associated with all areas of running/starting up a business. For existing or potential Buffista business owners of all types. Spamming is NOT ON. A list of our Buffista owned businesses is on our links page.
Me too. And that title draws me in. Like I'd want to hire you just because.
Me three. Consulting Librarian sounds cool.
In Elementary, they defined Consulting Detective to mean he didn't get paid.
Is that from the books?
t /tangent
I know that in several cases Holmes took money, and I believe he lived on money from fees. He did not take money from the police. And he often waived fees when dealing with people in straitened circumstances. Or in one case accepted a case for a very small fee to punish himself for being - I don't know snobbish, arrogant - something he considered a sin. At any rate he initially turned down the case as uninteresting, then realized it really was interesting and that he ad turned it down out of snobbisness or whatever. Missing housemaid. So he took a fee that was high to the woman paying, but low for him as self-punishment. I'm pretty sure he accepted the low fee rather than just waiving it because selling his services cheap was a form of self-humiliation, whereas giving charity would have been self-gratification. (Note that last sentence is my reading. The rest is canon. Well the use of the word "sin" is also mine.)
Have MLS, will travel.
But only if you pay expenses and per diem for meals.
"Have MLS, will travel." I LOVE this as a tagline for your logo! But I looked it up, and it is already overused. Boo!
RealFirstName RealLastName, MLS, BA (Badassery?)
Consulting Research Librarian
Don't speak Latin in front of the books, Xander.
OK, need an better tag. But I am sick and I think I need to take a little nap.
In my line of work, flea, we would call the person who does that job simply a "professional researcher."
Does anyone have suggestions for how to figure out content creation rates? My (delightful, snarky) dentist is hiring me to write all the content for his new website, and I have no idea what the going rate for that sort of work is.