I have discovered a problem with Nutella. It's general insufficience.
And a problem with my replacement blanket. I like it better than all my other blankets, so I'm dragging it with me from room to room. It's kind of infantile. But it's so soft! And then I just went and read the review on it, and apparently my love affair will only last until I wash it. Sad now.
For those of us without Angry Birds or Words With Friends, a totally simple and addictive game.
For those of us without Angry Birds or Words With Friends, a totally simple and addictive game.
Yikes -- I will totally play that shit forever, it seems.
Holy crow, that is addictive.
Today wasn't as bad as some, but it started with cat barf and Mister Kitty slashing the bridge of my nose (I swear, I think he thinks the rest of us are as deaf as he is, so he pokes) and then kitty litter everywhere and a resisted claw trimming and this was all before 6:30 am.
So now I'm doing laundry and there was an emergency vacuuming.
Oddly, that last sentence, I don't mind. In fact, I broke out the paint and went around touching up scuff marks and bloodspatter(!) and whatnot.
I'm nesting or something. Last night was sanding, and I'd do that now except with the wet paint, don't need to encourage sawdust to adhere to the walls.
Perkins, for the record, the Procedural comments on Body of Proof are generally positive and not (overly) spoilery.