My flight to Seattle is on Virgin America, which now flies out of terminal 2, which just opened on Thursday.
It's going to be really nice in about a month, but right now all the TSA and service people are still in OMG real people not training mode.
OTOH, good mimosa.
I know this isn't workable with copper wiring, but our neighborhood has had a lot of success with a program the police started where they (the police) give homeowners a specific color of paint. The homeowners paint the copper pipes, and then if the pipes are stolen and taken to a scrap yard, the people at the scrap yard know it's stolen copper and can call the cops. Apparently other cities that have instituted such a plan have seen copper theft go WAY down.
Eeeenteresting. We've been discussing various security measures, but haven't settled on any solutions.
We had someone stroll up on a weekend, wearing a hardhat, and steal a freaking Bobcat from a fenced job site. Now they chain the safety bar up to the top of the cage, because you can't drive a Bobcat when the safety bar up.
Also, we get the toilet paper stolen out of our Porta Potties. For realz.
One of my college roommates had a case of toilet paper stolen out of her car one time. I feel like tp is actually a smart thing to steal -- it saves you money right away, without doing anything else! Like finding a reseller or whatever.
Matt, that's a hangin' offense, in my book. WTFF?
Also, we get the toilet paper stolen out of our Porta Potties. For realz.
I'm sure I knew many people who rarely paid for toilet paper in university. The library was a prime source.
I didn't pay for salt.
Who's the biggest protagonist prick on TV? House?
re: the random shit getting stolen discussion: when we were living in Lower Pacific Heights, people would try to steal my motorcycle's spark plugs all the time. The stealing tool even got broken off in the plug chamber a few times.
JZ Meyers
My favorite typo EVAR. Can you imagine how much awesome we'd get from a hybrid of JZ and PZ Meyers? There would probably be some kind of too-much-awesome-splosion.
I think Richard Dawkins is someone who's so enamoured of biology that he forgets to disclaim about social context when he gets on a roll. And when it's pointed out to him that many people are twisting biological facts to suit their own pseudoscientific goals (evo-psych etc), his attitude is "why should that matter when I'm talking about SCIENCE?" Those people are so obviously wrong that they're not worth addressing. So yes, he's a bit dense, but his heart is in the right place. I think.