David: Onigiri - usual spelling of that lovely treat. Unless of course, your food vender was making up their own names.
This is due to that weird British dude who decided that the Japanese sound was more like an "r" than an "l". (Thus, my Aunt Reiko's name sounds more like "Leiko".)
My brother is aces at making onigiri - due to his decade of making the same for my niece. I still have issues making even the most basic shapes.
Completely forgot: Check out the pretty spotted lamb.
Onigiri - usual spelling of that lovely treat. Unless of course, your food vender was making up their own names.
He was, though I'm glad to know the proper name.
Cute lamb, sumi!
I'm really tempted by the Esther Williams suits, especially the classic sheath. I'm very unsure about the sizing, though. Hmm.
I'm really tempted by the Esther Williams suits, especially the classic sheath.
I have one and have borrowed another and love them. They don't provide a ton of chest support though so they are definitely more lounging on the beach than serious swimming suits.
The Guardian has a same-sex kissing liveblog today.
I had an Esther Williams suit years ago, and it's the best suit I ever had. I was, however, less busty at the time.
After, he was apologetic and he could at least parrot why I was so angry. But I told him no more restaurants.
Kat, we went through a bout with Lillian in September where she just COULD NOT deal with restaurants and we had to put a stop to eating at them for a few weeks. Thankfully, she's pretty good at them again, and we've now (I tell you this so you can skip the step of occasional relapses into bad behavior) got an agreement that we ask her if she's up for going to a restaurant or if she needs to eat at home.
Bah, the state return I thought I e-filed yesterday was not accepted and has to be mailed, don't know why. I haven't actually mailed a tax return since e-filing became possible, I hope I can remember how.
I hope that you have stamps at home, because if you have to brave the post office, it will not be pretty.