Well, yes. Fic auctions aren't exactly a magic lever.
Jilli, glad the shot went well and that's super exciting news about your brother!
For OT Day so far I have started sorting the random receipts on my coffee table. I'll finish that, and then see if my county car tax has cleared so I can pay my overdue registration renewal. Then, dishes. Then, maybe fold clothes while I watch tv. And by then it will likely be crash time.
I'm willing to learn about Nightwing, even only because poor Sam never has enough decent pairings. Dean's like the little black dress of SPN fandom, man. You can throw him on with anything.
Timelies all!
I have not done any onerous tasks today because a) I spent the last two evenings vacuuming and otherwise cleaning up and b) my parents are in town(and will be until Wed. morning, sigh)
I gave Solomon sub-cut insulin shots, and even though I am incredibly needle-phobic, he was great about it, and since they have fur, you don't really SEE the needle going in.
You pinch the scruff up, inject and shoot. I was able to do in about 3 secs after about 3 or 4 days. If Tzepech is mellow, it really won't be hard at all.
Ok, pizza eaten, and about to add fluid to the car and do a little laundry and my onerous tasks will be done!
Then it's just normal onerousity, like reading papers and prepping tomorrow's class. Plus, shower. Woo. I may shave my legs now that the poison ivy has healed. That's onerous, right?
Second half of Gail Collins' op/ed this morning is mighty eye opening (first half being pointing out that Jon Kyl is (A) retiring and (B) not intended as factual.) [link]
Erin - insent
Crapity - I've run out of NYT logins for the month.
See, I didn't care about the whole paywall controversy until it affected me directly.
I thought external links didn't count against the pre-paywall 20?
When you hit the paywall, go to the URL and remove the numbers that are added to the link, then hit Enter. That circumvents it for me. (Which seems kind of ridiculous.)
mr. flea has been getting around the paywall by not allowing the NYT to save his cookies.
Me, I got the Lincoln Continental free access offer for heavy users, which cracks me the hell up. Lincoln still makes cars?