Ive run out of Batman/Superman slash fic to read, which is amazing considering that a week ago I had zero interest in any such thing
I hate that, when I find a new fic genre, and I read it all obsessively for a while and then I am adrift.
That leads to pairing creep for me -- you start with S/B, and that leads to Batman/other people, or, hey, I wonder what Robin is up to?
Whew, tax return filed, possibly even accurately. I owe federal a little, biggish refund from state. Payment set up for Monday.
smonster, if you get the chicken's internal temperature up where it's supposed to be to be safe (165? 180? I don't know) I don't think it will matter that it was previously partially cooked. That may dry it out - maybe put it in a covered dish.
Jilli, insent to your gsc addy.
Sox, amych, I'd love to follow your blogs! I try to follow friend's blogs, so I feel like less of a schmo when I'm all "I HAZ NEW BLOG POST UP!"
I do NOT put it on FB, since I have peeps on FB I don't want following my blog, which is pseudonymous. But I use WP, and have my posts set up to it auto-Tweets new blogs to my also pseud Twitter account, and I will use FB message to send NEW POST messages to peeps who I think (hope) will be interested.
I don't have a lot of traffic, and almost never comments but I keep plugging away, for the writing practice and the clearing of thoughts.
When I set up my freelance biz this summer, I will have blog section for my freelance website which I WILL post updates on my FB, will set up a separate Twitter account and FB biz account.
And I will market the hell out of myself. June 3rd, I can start putting all my business planning into action re: THOSE ideas...
But I'll still maintain the personal blog, I think.
Onerous task: depositing old tiny freelance gig check and filling up my antifreeze. One done, one will do after 6 pm phone call for new edu freelance gig phone call...
Jilli, I had to do sub-Q with one compliant and one very non-compliant cat. I think it is easier than pilling them, barring a needle squick. And don't be weirded out as the fluid migrates. Both would start with a big pillow on their back that would gradually migrate down to the chest area.
Batman is a scary sort of father figure
What's wrong with that?
I hate that, when I find a new fic genre, and I read it all obsessively for a while and then I am adrift.
Which is why I love Dean/Castiel so much. A slow day means only a few new stories, even if sometimes there's nothing actually
or long to read. But there is always something.
That leads to pairing creep for me -- you start with S/B, and that leads to Batman/other people, or, hey, I wonder what Robin is up to?
My problem is I start to want crossovers. And there's no magic box with levers to push to get me the Sam/Nightwing porn I so desperately crave.
Wearing a corset and heels all day (in honor of retro day for spirit week -- they never said HOW retro).
No fair! Underwear as outerwear!
I think my nausea might have calmed down enough for me to eat lunch. I'm kind of scared to try...
I should move on to my next onerous task of getting a battery for the Volvo so I can take it in for its long overdue smog check, but that would mean getting dressed. Tomorrow.
I sorted the indoor recyclables. I still have to do the outdoor ones, but I'm counting that as that portion done. And then I wrestled with the bank and the computer vendor a bunch. So now I've got to grab a shower and rush around. I have a social thing and a rehearsal tonight, but if I can make it in earlier, I need to get to the bank.
Onerosity report: Checkbook balanced, blood donation appointment made, and, um, I'm down to 13 in my inbox instead of 23 -- not as much progress as I'd hoped, but it's something. Would be down to 11 if I'd been able to buy the sneakers I wanted (one email with the coupon code, one with the link to the shoes), but they've apparently sold out in my size. Bah.
Oh, but I also took the younger cat in to re-up his vaccines this morning, and I'm about to go pick up groceries and make dinner, so that all counts for something, right?
Fic auction?
I'd have to know someone good who wrote SPN and comics and see them offer them up for sale. And then I wouldn't have to be mad at auctions because
is being a ghost and not contacting me about help_japan or something.