So, What's motivated you to post tweets in fbook, or blog posts, and what's kept you from doing so?
I occasionally use the selective tweet fb app -- that's the one where you can add a #fb hashtag to only those tweets that you want to repost. I HATE HATE HATE it when people crosspost every single tweet, and a lot of mine are (a) work-related (ii) retweets of links etc. or (f) half a conversation that's happening on twitter and make no sense on fb. On the other hand, tweets that exist in a vacuum (interesting thoughts/observations, overheard funny things, actual status updates that I just have to share with everyone) can work equally well in both places.
I've never automatically fb-posted blog posts, but that's basically because I've never found an implementation that I like. I really don't like the way fb imports feeds as notes (dislike notes anyway, and it splits the audience for the blog post) and as a fb user I really prefer links posted by readers rather than authors (which somehow feels spammy to me?)
I dunno. I'm a shite self-promoter too. So.
And your blog rocks, btw.
Some of the tasty food trucks that congregate in the Haight on Thursday evenings.
I really need to make another trip out there soon.
Wow, I really want a Korean Taco. Yum!
And a creme brulee cart is the best. thing. EVER.
I HATE HATE HATE it when people crosspost every single tweet
this. and I feel like people who are following me otherwheres don't want to read the same things twice.
And your blog rocks, btw.
thanks! Yours is amazing.
I guess it took a couple of hours of being in a pain fog to realize I woke up with a migraine.
Mmmm. Korean tacos. We have this place in Dallas for them [link]
We have a picnic at work today at the new(ish) park downtown.
My boss amped up my involvement in five projects. Four of them I can handle. One of those four is...challenging. The other one? FUCKING MY BRAIN. It's the one that totally requires industry knowledge and I don't got it and it's just not sticking. The terms are so circuitous.
And when I ask for clarification, he asks what LOL means. Whuhuh? Lots of Luck, he says. Which is his way of saying that none of what he's saying stands outside of context.
Onto meeting #3 of the day.
So I'm skipping like a mountain goat kid to say my onerous task for the day is three phone calls related to medical/dental bills.
I am almost done with the taxes and I have it down to owing the Fed $150. go team me!