My fam is pretty good about getting food for each other, but it's all "Can you refill my coffee/get me a brownie?" when you are headed in there yourself from the living room.
Perfume, I like. I prefer ambery-vanilla-y mixes. Don't like floral. I use Amber Romance in the winter, any GOOD lemon-verbena scented gel in the summer in the shower(not the crap that smells like Pledge) and layer a a nice vanilla with a little Lemon perfume from B&BW for work, and Allure or Shalimar for going out.
I can't stand tuberose or most florals. My mom loves Joy, and it makes me sick.
But ONE SPRITZ, and it goes down my shirt. Perfume should only be smelled by people who are less than a foot away from you, and it should be a mere whiff.
I'm sorry, scent-sensitive people! But I HAVE to have things smell good --it's a thing. I hated the smell of Dan's deodorant when we first started dating, and asked him to try something else.
I like lemon, good citrusy grapefruit or pomegranate candles in summer, pom, amber or cinnamon-vanilla ones in fall and winter.
Fucking FUCK, universe, would you lay off Gud already?!
I'm sorry, man.
Amber Romance
Oooh, I used to use that. I couldn't tolerate it now, except for a random whiff.
I stopped using scent--well, cologne--when I noticed I'd stop being able to smell it on myself unless I used more. So, cold turkey with the no-smelly. With my skin issues I use either goats milk or olive oil based soaps, most often herb-scented. The body butter I use is almond and honey, or straight shea butter. Subtle and comforting, and the scent dissipates quickly.
Jilli smells amazing, as does Vortex. But you don't smell them unless you hug.
Uhg. Despite copious moisturizing, aloe, lidocaine and did I mention moisturizer? I'm starting to itch. I predict peeling to commence soon. I was hoping to avoid it.
I...I don't think anyone in my family ever asked me to get them any food, directly or indirectly unless it was to get the food off your plate.
Didn't you have servants?
Ooh, Jilli (among others) we have this store called the Tasteful Olive with decants all these amazing olive oils and vinegars, and you can walk around just tasting all of them.
The chocolate balsamic vinegar! O.M.G. They have violet, too! [link]
I didn't taste everything, I just popped in for a few minutes last Saturday before I met a friend at the farmer's market, but it is so awesome!
My sister got the blood orange olive oil and uses a touch of it in fruit salads. I was all "Olive oil? Fruit salad? That's nuts!" but it was soooo delicious!
Didn't you have servants?
God, it's so base to call them that.
would you lay off Gud already?!
No. No. Gud doesn't want to get laid off.
No. No. Gud doesn't want to get laid off.
Indeed not!
Okay, I have narrowed down my logging-out problem: the regular logs me out, but doesn't.
Sounds like it's not, in fact, my problem.