Management techniques I despise: (1) use of the word "we" when what it really means is "you, peons," as in "we really need to get on schedule [even though you peons are the ones who actually do the editing and I do nothing except update a chart and leave early every day]." And its variation (2) use of the word "we" to intimate a group effort when, in fact, only one person can do/has done the job in question, for instance (a) to imply that you did something you did not do at all, or (b) to imply that *everyone* will be working on something that is your job and your job alone.
Seriously, it just makes us (the peons) have greater disdain for you.
Don't you know there's no I in team?
we feel you, Tep. We really do.
I think I am going to get 4 applications out today. woot!
I generally use "we" when I'm dealing with a partner company and want to avoid saying "YOU people are a bunch of fuckups." See also: passive voice!
In short, I would like to be independently wealthy, starting now.
I generally use "we" when I'm dealing with a partner company and want to avoid saying "YOU people are a bunch of fuckups." See also: passive voice!
Oh, I feel that. It just grates so much more coming from alleged managers who do jackshit but try to fob responsibility off on us or take our credit.
Oh don't get me wrong - I die a little inside every time I hear myself doing it.
I have definitely heard myself say things like, "OK, what we need to do is -- no, I'm sorry, what I mean is, Would you...."
I'm toying with the idea of applying for an NEH grant. About a library project thing. Am I crazy?
You are if you might be about to move abroad.
Good lord, a huge raven just landed on my back porch rail. He actually made a thump when he landed.
Tell it to come visit me! I will give it snacks!
Pete uses a vanilla-scented shower gel. I use whatever whatever chocolate/vanilla/frosted sugarbomb bathing goo I've recently found. And I may have recently found my One True Cocoa Scent, because I am supposed to smell like a box of freshly-frosted chocolate cupcakes. Even when I'm covered in stage blood.