My parents are 2K away. But at some point, uhhh. My parents are 67 and 70 now. I could see that if mom outlives dad, mom wanting to come live up here if her health gets precarious and she is ready to leave her community in NM. (Near me just because I'm likely to stay here, whereas my brother is still prone to moving in the next decade.) Dad...all bets are off. I have no idea what he'd do. Or if he'll know when he needs help. It's a concern.
In any case, hey, senior apartments around the corner from me, greenhouse nursing center going in right next door to that. And they have longterm care insurance, so that's a load off. Honestly, if either of them get to a point where they can't live independently and/or with sufficient care and friends in NM, they'll come up here. But they have major roots in LC, so it'll be a major decision. They have a huge social network down there. I wouldn't ask them to start over. And they wouldn't ask us to come back, because there is no happiness in that for us either.