One of the authoritarian sorts that I work with (who I really like, good guy, just authoritarian) explained to me that it's all about security,
A friend of mine is a city planner for lower Manhattan, including Ground Zero. He said the amount of Security Theater in this country is nauseatingly dangerous.
I was a narc buddy for a friend who was moving to a higher level in the Fish & Wildlife Service. The interviewer asked me if she would ever have any reason to commit a treasonous act or if she could ever be compelled to turn against the US (I forget the exact wording of the question), and I said no, and then laughed and said "unless someone threatened her cats!" The interviewer put on a sort of funny smile and said, um, another friend said the exact same thing. So then I had to reassure him that I was joking and no, she wouldn't become a traitor to the US even if someone threatened her cats. I wasn't entirely sure he believed me, but she got the job, so I guess it worked out OK.
There's going to be a new iPhone this month, right?
But ... I want to read about Crowley.
I mentioned Crowley to my editor. She didn't know who he was. I wept briefly. (Wow, nice Freudian slip there. Jesus.)
Also, authoritarian guy's explanation sounds like a massive rationalization to me.
We here at the Narc Program do not have any sense of humor that we are aware of.
I mentioned Crowley to my editor. She didn't know who he was.
I mentioned Sally Ride to my psychiatrist. She didn't know who she was. I told her that was unacceptable and didn't see her again.
Maybe it was pretentious?
It's Sally Ride, dude.
Expecting my baby editor to know who Crowley is was probably pretentious. Not that I care. Especially in the context of the occult.
I need chocolate.
Maybe it was pretentious?
I don't think pretentiousness against stupid people is pretentious at all.