He ended up renting a much better place for less money out in Jamaica Plain.
Yeah, people love it there. But I'd need a car to get to work, and I'm just not ready for that.
I want to tell my parents that if they get xmas gift for the kids to get us Signing Time videos because let's be clear, that's what we really need. Is that tacky?
I would say no, but it depends on your family how it would go over.
We used to tell my parents' specific things the kids needed when it was time for birthdays or Christmas, and they were always happy to get something they knew we wanted. You could always make it more of a suggestion, though: "Wow, Grace and Noah would LOVE those!"
My family can be pretty direct about gifts. I have sent home specific lists with brands and sizes before. But it's usually after I've been asked what I want.
Ugh Jesse, that sucks. I am feeling for you.
Is that tacky?
Not in my book. They are always welcome to give something else too, right? But don't most people prefer giving something they know is wanted?
Jesse, that sucks! I hope they give you another month and good luck finding a place. I think when my last apartment went condo they gave us a month and a half and if we had to stay after that it was going to be $500 more per month than what I was already paying.
I always give my parents wish lists for the kids, it's just easier that way.
The point is NOT that Jesse should just stay, but can use that to get an extension - not by threatening anything, but just by saying "I really can't be out that soon. I'm going to have to stay through [date] I have no choice."
At that point they may agree to [date] rather than face a legal hassle.
It would seem gmail has decided to disable my main account.
This is going to be a huge pain, isn't it?
Are you kidding? Any reason why?
No idea. It worked a couple of hours ago.