And now they called to say they'd be a little late! They didn't get the SO's text with directions. And we are waaaay out here.
That's so awesome! Maybe one day it will happen to me.
I swear that's not the kind of person I am! I don't know how this happened! I have joined the cult!
I swear that's not the kind of person I am! I don't know how this happened! I have joined the cult!
If you figure it out, could you let us know?
I have just cleaned my living room in preparation for babysitting the dojo kids tomorrow. This time I'm on my own with them. Should be an adventure without having K-Bug here to help.
So, weekend plans - hanging with a 3 year old and an 8 month old tomorrow, sleeping all day Sunday.
Liese, you did inspire me to wash almost all the dishes and shine my sink.
My sink is in dire need of de-Lutheranization. Bleach is needed, people.
I think I am going to bed. mr. flea was 90 miles N of Knoxville at 5pm, and that means he'll likely be here by 11 or so, but I don't think I can make it.
I swear that's not the kind of person I am! I don't know how this happened! I have joined the cult!
I now have FlyLady open in another tab. I blame you all.
Congrats, VW!!!!!
Homemade pizzas of infinite variety and wine next door. And I learned to play Hearts! (No, seriously, we were never big on card games outside of UNO in my immediate family. So I can now play Hearts....and Solitaire.) Did passably well, once I understood the rules. Wedding coming up soon, they had their best man over too. I don't know if it is bride or groom's best man: he worked with the groom, was roommates with the bride so long they could be common law if they wanted. I realized who the bride's diction & accent reminds me of: Kat! Even some of the phrasings, it is so odd. They're from the Dakotas.
I've eaten so much the past couple of days, I think I'd be happy to just nibble on spinach the rest of the weekend.
Not really news to anyone here, but KAT ROCKS! Thank you for the gifties. Made my day.
Dad mowed my lawn today, I weeded, then we all went out to Lebanese Food. OMG so good. belly so full.