Has anyone here used any of the FlyLady products? I think the email digests are brainwashing me because I find myself thinking "if only I had a rubba sweepa my floors would be so clean!"
OTOH, I do really need a new mop & broom, since the ones I have now were left in the apt by the previous owners and are old and crappy. So I may as well buy the purple cult-approved ones, right?
OMG, I am so getting brainwashed by the email. And I try to skip all the product related ones, because I just don't have the cash. And also I don't really want purple towels.
But yeah, if you're going to replace them, might as well buy into the cult, I think! But I'm, you know, brainwashed, too, so not to be trusted. And I don't have the products myself to give you florid testimonials about.
Would the Flylady stuff have to be shipped? Because I can't see the point of waiting for a mop to come in the mail.
I see T Hard has already made an appearance on Good Stuff. The winking in the lower right is very distracting. Ahem.
Typically, Good Stuff has four posts a day, and I have four hot guys cued up (or three, now), but if anyone wants to send more, I could post more today!
I just sent you one! I don't know if you counted that yet.
You could do the naked guy librarian calendar site. I am not entirely positive it is good, but people might think so.
I totally submitted that Hardy because of the feelings the last pic made me feel. It was good stuff.
(Please don't make the tumblr NSFW)
I don't even like to have swears on there! I'll make them keep their clothes on.