I've been stewing over this, and it shouldn't bother me this much, so I thought I'd ask for other opinions.
Below is a G+ thread started by my cousin's husband, who graduated college not long ago, is working on his Master's degree, and just this semester started teaching civics at a local private high school.
Mike - What a day from hell.
Wayne - You have no idea! Well, maybe you do...
Mike - Well, it definitely could have been worse, but Dante did say there are levels of hell...this was an upper hell sort of day, closer to the surface. But still: people, them's bitches, man.
David - "L'enfer, c'est les autres."
Mike - @David- Bless you?
I thought I was being sympathetic, clever, and funny. Was I wrong?
From his response, I fear that he a) didn't recognize the quote, and b) didn't even think to
look it up.
Ah, I didn't recognize it in French, but then I Googled it. Perhaps English would have been better received.
I found The Road to be so bleak I could barely stand it.
Oh Kat, I'm sorry you've been having such an awful time lately. I am sending you love and cupcakes. It will need to be virtual love and cupcakes for the moment, but as soon as we can set a plan, it'll be the real deal. Plus clothes for Noah.
I don't think I'm in any kind of good headspace to read
The Road.
I do think, however, that it's about damn time I started reading Skulduggery Pleasant.
Also, wow... a month ago, I never would have imagined the Cardinals would have made it this far. Still kind of in disbelief.
I know I stayed up to watch all the games. But I'm still awake. Relationship drama is in the house and I'm trying to be supportive while trying to stay out of it. Hopefully everyone is ready for some shut eye and they can resolve everything during the day time.
The probability that the Red Sox will make the playoffs.
I'm sorry, but I'm filled with schadenfreude. It warms my heart to see that a team can blow it in September worse than the Mets can.
Old School Sox! Since I don't care about baseball, I'm mostly glad the Fenway traffic is done for the season. And am @@ over the text I just got from my stupid ex in Baltimore.
dcp, I don't know much French at all (except random exclamations and cuss words - don't know how I was exposed to that), I would have had to google it.
dcp, I can only translate very basic, literal French, and I'm getting ... "[something], that's the others"? megan will come and shake her head, I'm sure.
I haven't watched baseball in weeks. Stupid Mets. They make me weary.
Stephen is at his first day of work! Whoot.