As long as it covers, more or less in dress fashion, the model, I will be OK with their calling it a cow asshole dress. Otherwise, they need to be more accurate. Ew. Cow asshole dress.
ETA: Clearly my definition of dress is not the couture definition.
in this case, I am pretty glad I did not click the link.
Bovine anus dress. Much more classy.
It's nice that it uses parts of a cow that might otherwise have been discarded, and that no animals were killed specifically for their nipples, but still ....
I'm sure there's some asspull evo-psych reason for it all.
Undoubtedly. Probably with such claims as "females are inately drawn to larger refridgerators" and "males assert dominance by standing in front of fridge."
Next thing you know, there'll be a dress made of cow assholes.
I call bullshit!
Now I want to see a suit made of bull penises.
there's always assorted leftovers in the fridge, and then you never know how old something is or what's in what container
Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates? So I can know without looking that the only things currently in my fridge are: half an onion that should have been eaten a week ago, 10 eggs, a stick of butter, and peanut butter.
Now I want to see a suit made of bull penises.
I don't think those go to waste, as there's a large market for bully/macho sticks out there.
Daisy went through two big ones on the drive home with her. Now we stick to trachea. Takes longer for her to chow down.
Cow taint trousers. That's what we really need.