there's nothing on his Google+ page
Well, you know Google+'s draconian policy on true names.
at least he didn't create twelve sockpuppets like that girl Jessie did
In my job as "virtual identity girl" I recently had to explain to my boss and others why you really can't use the terms "sockpuppet" and "sweaterpuppet" interchangeably.
I've never heard of "sweaterpuppet" before.
I thought they were called "sweater puppies".
And apparently "sweater scuds" and some other stuff. I had to bring up Urban Dictionary and then do a dramatic reading.
Well, I didn't HAVE to, but you know, that's my value-added.
I thought they were called "sweater puppies".
Presumably, "sweaterpuppet" is the diminutive.
What's a sweaterpuppet? Or sweater puppy?
I thought they were boobs.
The last 10 posts are making me giggle uncontrollably.
Does it scream how sad my life is that I wouldn't mind that?
Snuggling with sociopaths? er, um, huh?
Oh, who hasn't felt at least one pang of attraction to a sociopath? Stop lying to yourself.
I think this button (rude) is missing from FB this morning.