The more I think about it, the more awesome it would be for me to have one chicken. Half-dozen eggs a week would be perfect! But one chicken would probably be a sad and lonely chicken, huh?
It has dawned on me that I will be unemployed in a week. Looking for a job sucks, man. It is so depressing. I have been very lucky with jobs so far in my life, and I am terrified my luck is all used up or something.
In my experience, this kind of luck does not run out! I have always been lucky in finding jobs, and I believe you will continue to be as well.
Sadly, I never did much anywhere that, potentially at least couldn't be posted.
But I still hate Facebook sometimes because mostly? There aren't many things about me that my friends and family both like.
But that's not as bad as how Linked In makes me feel like an under-accomplished loser.
msbelle, it's good to see you! Convict or no convict.
But one chicken would probably be a sad and lonely chicken, huh?
Well, there's always Homer ...
Erin, I got your questions, and they are FANTASTIC. People! One day Erin should be writing pieces for Vanity Fair. She knows how to ask an interesting question, I tell you what.
OMG, now I realize I have to get a Rhode Island Red and she can be friends with my orange cat, and it will be hilarious. I will be a YouTube sensation!!
If I had a single chicken I would have to name it Chicken Boo and constantly sing the Animaniacs song at it.
(It's possible I already do this with/to my children. Not that I'd ever admit it in public.)
Aeryn-boo, what's the matter with you? You don't act like the other babies do...
that's ... color coordinating your pets? not really "down on the farm" style ... unless your farm is Martha Stewart's
see also: Kitten Boo
looks around suspiciously for the hidden cameras in the house, because obviously you people are watching me
In Iran, they color chickens and sell them, I can't remember quite why; for some holiday, I think.
Shit I learned from reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran," which I LOVED, btw.
Amy, that would be awesome! :blushes: Thanks!