That's a problem in any world.
Many worlds would be more likely to eat or ignore the cat than have it on their shoulder.
Today is Wear Bodily Fluids day. Okay, it's not. It's Clutch Your Pearls day.
I wanna cage fight a pre-teen. Let me read that article.
Because I "know how to handle her".
Then they need to give you a raise. If no one else can/will work with her, you need hazard pay.
This Swedish (?) ad is cracking me up. Especially the woman's face: [link]
An astounding number of my friends suddenly have chickens.
But I live in rural Arizona, so...
I am not a fan of urban chickens (and they are very popular in the towns where I've lived the past 10+ years) since my experience with them has been that they are dirty, smelly, stupid and mean. YChickenMV.
They are legal in my town so long as the coop is 100 feet from any other structure. There are a number of them that roam the neighborhood, often ending up in one of the parks, which is thus often littered with chicken shit. Not. A. Fan.
We use a lot of eggs, but not enough to justify keeping chickens. Unless we were going to eat the chickens, too, and I'm really not up for home slaughtering and plucking. So.
Sparky, do you think I could get hired as a law librarian - or, rather, a "Research & Electronic Resources Professional" at a law firm?
Chickens are illegal in Athens, GA, (in city limits) but I suspect there are a lot of secret hipster chickens out there.
flea, can you send me the advert? Perkins may also have a better grasp of what you'd need to learn to say in an interview, since I live in the ivory tower and don't get to play with the good toys.
and I'm really not up for home slaughtering and plucking. So.
There are butchers who will do this part for you, I've read.