Hey, what do I want to draw today? I'm trying to do a drawing a day, due to therapist suggestions.
This was yesterday's project: [link]
My requirements, due to my rusty nature, involve high-contrast photo references and faces with fairly strong angles.
I think you should draw Lisa. I want to draw Lisa.
I have not yet made it to life drawing classes, because I am traditionally dead by Thursdays which is the class I've become fixated on.
I'd love it if you guys could draw me!
Ooo. She'd be good. Find me a screenshot, and she'll be my project!
I've got a few of Misha in mind, but I'm still mulling over which one. I've determined that I need to do bony faces for a while before I can do softer ones, after the Vinette Robinson failure of a couple weeks ago.
I'd love it if you guys could draw me!
Hee! We were talking a different Lisa, but if you want to wait a few weeks while I dust the rust, pick a picture and send it to me. I used to draw all the time, and I swear, I used to be decent at it.
We can go draw at the Zoo next Monday!
We were talking a different Lisa, but if you want to wait a few weeks while I dust the rust, pick a picture and send it to me.
Ha! Sorry! It's because I'm posing tonight. I'm very focused on myself!
I've got a few of Misha in mind, but I'm still mulling over which one.
That one you just put up on tumblr is pretty good, PMM. I was just surfing through screencaps of The Third Man episode from this season, and I had to keep stopping and staring at Mr. Collins. His face begs for the pencil.
If I had my pictures to hand, I could be more helpful.
Dude, I would LOVE to draw you. Seriously. Just, you know, once I remember how to draw!
We can go draw at the Zoo next Monday!
Ooo! Yeah!