what do I say about a "You're not paying attention" lapse?
Yeah, what Ginger said.
I don't know what to do about my Nemesis. Apparently management is never going to actually manage her, and seems to think it's just that I don't like her (and she doesn't like me). But I would like her fine if she just did her fucking job. Well, and stopped lying about people.
She's only 64. And her daughter's a junior in college and wants to go to grad school, so apparently she's planning to keep working to pay for all that.
Happy birthday, Sue!
Thanks so much for the good wishes, everybody.
Well, he just called me, so we had to have the discussion where a million people could hear, but I pointed out that other people had been using the numbering system for a week, that the update had been announced by other people, and that I plain didn't think he trusted me.
He took some of it back, but not enough, IMO. There's shit you can call me on, but back off the easily verifiable stuff. Other people can't refer to a numbering system I didn't put in, yet their numbers and mine magically agree.
I'm really pissed at him right now. I don't know if he understands how many holes there are in this project, and somehow he's expecting that if he rides me hard enough, they'll get filled.
NO. They get filled by the business users. Don't tell me to "pick a process and put it in". I don't work that way. If the users outlined a process that doesn't match any they have to choose from, my job is to call that out, not wedge one into the other, or flip a coin. It's requirements
not requirements
that I do as an analyst.
I am twitching with anger. I'm glad, at least, he called immediately to address the email, but I'm wonder why he didn't make the call from his desk, but from a private place, and I had to take it in public. Grr. Just grr. This is going to be irritating me all day.
Longcat is long.
Stewie, The World’s Longest Cat
A Maine Coon named Stewie holds the record for The World’s Longest Cat at 48.5 inches long
Noodle, the great sock hunter, has a new trick. She brought me a sock earlier and dropped it near the sofa, mewing and looking for praise. Which she got. A few minutes ago, she picked up the sock, walked down the hall toward my bedroom, then brought it back to the same spot in the living room, again mewing and looking for praise. Like the dumb human doesn't realize you rehunted the same sock.
Check out the beautiful handpainted bicycle helmets.
My dad just called to say he went to Chester County Books and bought two copies. I LOVE MY DAD.
A bunch of people have made today really special. I'm going to lift off the ground with happy soon.
Hey DC locals - my mom fell biking and broke her arm. I'd like to send her some fabulous comfort food she can eat with one hand. Any recs for catering type places that might do this?
[eta that they're in Chevy Chase, specifically. Though I figure delivery zones in DC are probably larger than in NYC because most of them use cars instead of bikes.]
t Poking head for just a minute
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(This posting thing is fun! Pity about me just poking-my-head-in-the-middle-of-ongoing-conversations being-all-me-Me-ME without-any-showing-of-how-much-I-do-so-miss-you-guys, though. I have to work on that. Boy, I miss you guys.)
(Oh, and once again, I apologize for the Hebrew-only captioning. I can't help but feel it's yet another me-Me-ME, but just as it's-better-late-than-never, I hope it's-better-with-incomprehensible-captioning-than-not-at-all.)