I need to not draw after taking Ambien. My sense of symmetry is for shit. But...I forget. At least I don't ruin as much stuff anymore. I try to only start pictures.
but there may have been something about your anatomy that made them choose.
He went straight for my right side in the visit. My right side is fucked up already, and I kinda wish he'd gone with the left. But then if it did hurt, I'd be whining about my seatbelt, so who knows? Maybe I'm just a freak that would be in pain either way.
Maybe I'm just a freak that would be in pain either way.
Yeah, you're all freaky with your nerve endings and shit.
It is definitely possible, ita, that it would hurt no matter what.
Grace has just been approved for Applied Behavioral Therapy (YAY!) to the tune of 15 hours. Per week. For at least the next year but maybe longer.
Um. Okay. But I work a full time job. And Grace DOES attend school. And play soccer. And wear an eye patch like a pirate for 3 hours a day too. And have both periodic doctor appointments and surgeries.
How the fuck am I going to schedule all of this shit?
How the fuck am I going to schedule all of this shit?
I sometimes think the goal of medical treatment is to force people to put "Patient" in the box marked Occupation.
Applied Behavioral Therapy -- it's what they give to kids with autism spectrum disorders. Think Skinner but for kids. It's all major positive reinforcement.
Of course, we can't skinner her into breathing, but I believe we probably CAN skinner her into wearing her talking valve, which would help her get closer to being without a trache.
We can certainly skinner her into using more signs and more technology to communicate.
I'd like them to skinner her into using the potty more.
We'll have to see how it goes. At 15 hours every week.
That's three hours a day, on weekdays! That's ... a lot of anything. Do they expect that most kids doing it aren't in school, maybe?
I hope it helps, though. I bet it will.
I dunno, Amy.
15 hours a week is freaking me out. That's a full time therapy job for a 4 year old, frankly.
It will most likely help because you can skinner someone into anything given enough time.
Do you have to do the full 15? If you did 5 instead, would they disqualify you?
My understanding from my coursework is that, yes, you really do need the full dose. They can achieve some frankly amazing results, but it takes repetition, and repetition takes time.