Urgh. I hate when someone says I haven't watched any of X, but character Y is...
And when they draw conclusions about how an actor felt about their role based on nothing other than the movie, disregarding interviews and subsequent roles. You're not having opinions, you're making stuff up.
I just got an invite to my 20th class reunion. Hasn't the advent of Facebook killed these things off, yet? Also, *cries*
(waves AARP card at Allyson) ... get offa my lawn, you child!
You are not the only one with this question.... [link] Although apparently it's the 10 year that's really losing out.
Since the show hasn't actually aired yet, all I can base my opinion on is the trailer. Which doesn't make me want to watch the show.
All of my shows are starting this week! I've got my scheduled shows portion of my dvr practically filled up.
Saw this quote at Think Progress:
"By the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over."
-- Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), in an interview on MSNBC, on why as a small business owner he can't afford a tax increase.
I think he needs some time in the desert with a root.