I have no idea what "Whitney" is, but I'm pretty sure the writers of The New Girl have been spying on me. The main character is a girl named Jess who has no idea how normal people are supposed to act, talks too much, and sometimes sings to herself about Lord of the Rings. I mean, hello.
(I haven't seen any trailers, just the pilot. So they could be selling it really badly. There are also many people who will hate it like poison, which is fine too.)
Mo Ryan has a 3 part podcast (!) that covers the Fall season. I liked it and helped me feel informed about the new season. As a result, I think I'm only going to try about 4 shows. 2 of which I think have the possibility of being crappy.
At this I want to kill the announcer.
I believe that annoying guy is Rob Lowe.
I love how excited Kate Winslet just got. "Yes!"
Mo Ryan has a 3 part podcast (!) that covers the Fall season. I liked it and helped me feel informed about the new season. As a result, I think I'm only going to try about 4 shows. 2 of which I think have the possibility of being crappy.
I just can't. I will wait and see and possibly miss good things. Like I do now, in the age of the DVR.
I couldn't even keep track of the dead people because I was so distracted by how terrible that version of the song was.
Mute comes in handy for award shows. Use it early and often.
I have such a idol sort of crush on Kate Winslet, it's embarrassing. I adore her and everything she does.
Guy Pearce! I always forget he has an accent.
But they were Canadians, Dana!
DH is live logging for TWoP tonight, so we can't mute or fast forward. It's like watching tv at my parents house.
[dear iPad - "liveblogging" is a word, eff you]