So the Oxford comma always works whereas leaving it out means exceptions. That is a great argument for always using the Oxford comma.
Look the "Oxford comma" is not a mark of punctuation. The comma is. So the only question is whether you need a comma at that point in the sentence to make it clear. You use the comma as necessary.
The Oxford Comma is the hobgoblin of foolish consistency that Emerson warned us against.
Oh, god, I'm so old I don't know how old I am. What is happening onscreen?
Did the Oxford comma cheat on your mother, Hec? Why have you elevated it to hobgoblin status?
Did anyone else find the musical number actively painful?
I think it kind of came around the far side to awesome again?
OMG, Scott Caan is totally pockety dildo-sized.
Is he super short or is she super tall? He looks like a hobbit.
I finally figured out it was from Saturday Night Live.
Loved Jimmy Fallons on camera reaction to TDS winning!
He's super short. I am not sure what it says that I see a lot of myself in both the new girl and Whitney.
I think it kind of came around the far side to awesome again?
Me, too.
I always except Scott Caan to have a little more of his father's charm.