Teppy, I'll keep you posted on the potential for Cinci. The fact that Cincinnati Roller Girls are there (plus, you know, YOU) is a great plus.
Lola ate my laptop keyboard earlier today. It's very inconvenient for me to replace it. But I'm pricing them anyway.
msbelle, that guy is smoking crack.
AND Skyline! I think that's what DH misses most about Ohio.
And I just need to say, not all people who are Republicans hate women. Honestly.
I know, that's why I specified elected Republicans. I'm assuming that the folks who voted for them don't necessarily agree with everything they do once they are in office.
msbelle, I am impressed with your ability to pull out the useful note in a rather hamfisted criticism.
Matilda just lost her first baby tooth.
The who with the what now??
Congrats to your friends, Liese!
Matilda is too young to lose teeth! What did the tooth fairy bring her?
Help me hivemind! mr. flea has been asked to provide an estimate of relocation costs for a company in Germany that is thinking about hiring him. They have never made an international hire before, apparently. What do we need to remember to ask for/about? I have: plane tickets, shipping container for stuff, allowance for temporary housing and help finding same, coverage of immigration and visa fees, assistance of and payment for an immigration lawyer if that is necessary, help finding permanent housing and understanding how it works there, help understanding benefits and our eligibility for them (health insurance and other governmental benefits), help understanding the schooling system and getting our children into public schools (there are some good bilingual public schools, but getting into them, especially on short notice, is another matter), help with language instruction.
What have I forgotten?
You own your house, right? I remember some sort of contingency for if you can't sell being a big deal for Cash and maybe some others around here when they had a job move.