Lisah--because people told me to! Is lexulous available for my phone?
Possibly? I haven't tried to find it for my droidy phone but I have it on my iTouch. I like the interface better on lexulous and it tells you how many points a word is before you play it which means no math! (Words w/ friends may also do this but i haven't figured it out.)
I can't articulate why I like words with friends more. Feels more like scrabble.
5. “Problem-solving skills”
6. “Detail-oriented”
They're right about those being fairly meaningless filler that everyone claims. But I think they're ignoring the fact that they're also something that every HR department claims is required for any and every position. So I think leaving them out could be risky.
Yeah, if the meaningless cliche words are in the job posting, they should be in your application, no?
I add them, because I know that some resumes (especially those submitted electronically) are initially reviewed by bots, and if they don't have the keywords, they don't get to a human review.
I talked to a guy I know and mentioned that I hadn't gotten a job I applied for in his org, and he said that he was on the hiring committee and hadn't seen the resume. Turns out that the position had asked for a master's degree, and my resume was not sent forward because I had a JD. @@
is Angel S5 better than S2?
As a season, no. At an episode level it's a little trickier... I think S5 varies more in quality; there are a few episodes I think are fantastic, and also some I absolutely loathe. I don't think S2's best is quite as good, but its worst isn't nearly as bad.
Oh, I know: Spike's only in one S2 episode, and Fred's only in three of them. So S2 is better!
I talked to a guy I know and mentioned that I hadn't gotten a job I applied for in his org, and he said that he was on the hiring committee and hadn't seen the resume. Turns out that the position had asked for a master's degree, and my resume was not sent forward because I had a JD. @@
Oh good GOD. I'm sorry. I hate that kind of stupidity.
Fred's only in three of them
She was at her best there too. I loved bloody fist Fred. Then again, she was pretty good when she bought it too.
I think I over-used my brain today. Need respite. Must read more, though. And make sense of it.
Kneecaps? I hate you. Why so tender?
Good grief, Vortex. And it takes longer to get a JD than a master's.
Ha! The new Cake Wrecks has a cake with the writing, "Emo cake cuts itself." I want that cake, but done better.