I'm sitting at home nebulizing after going to a pharmacy different from my usual because they were the only place that had the right stuff available today.
But, but, but I have good news! Talked with my group leader about my merit raise. Average this year is 2.5% and I'm getting 3.5%. This is after the 5% mid-year raise, so I really wasn't expecting much. 3.5%!!!!!!! I know exactly where the extra is going, but that is fine by me.
Woo hoo, Suzi! AWESOME.
Lots of errands including spending $160 I didn't have on a new tire. We also went to the gardens, resulting in a photo I took of Noah: [link] and one he took of the gardens: [link]
Both pictures are fab!!! Noah has some budding talent.
Since I've been nattering on here about the nuclear situation in Japan, I thought I'd share that the American Nuclear Society has set up a fund for the Japanese nuclear plant workers and their families [link] They're working under dreadful conditions and, since they also live near the plant, many will have lost homes and family members.
Oh, when I hit the store for my prescription, I also decided to pick up some baseball watching snacks. I couldn't find any Cracker Jacks. A manager happened to be walking by so I asked about them. They weren't just out of them, but I was told they had been recalled. What the heck?!?!?!?!?!?!?
That's a neat shot. However did he manage it? I particularly like the one he cut you and K's heads off...
They're so BIG. And the arms on Gracie! Girl arms, not baby. And Noah dimples!
Sorry, I got sucked in.
Probably now it should be, "Don't shoot. I'm a Canadian. Eh."
Decades ago I had that put on a shirt (minus the "Eh") with a red maple leaf for a friend who was going to university in the Netherlands.
Kat, you guys all look great!
Hey amych!
The guy who hit a walkoff for the Phillies in their opener, John Mayberry Jr. - we saw him play in that game for the Lehigh Iron Pigs when Emmett and I came to visit you guys in Durham.
You're right! I remember his excellent name.