For Plei, who gave me some themes when I said I was bored:
Ginger ladies (which turned into more just redheads than just ginger)
Christina Hendricks
Danneel Harris
Gillian Anderson
Amy Adams
Bonnie Raitt
Alicia Witt
Curly Headed White Boys
Adam Brody
Matthew Morrison
Justin Timberlake
Side note: The reason I put in the white boys part was because otherwise I would have wanted to add in Harold Perrineau, and that just didn't seem fair
This is why we can't have nice things!
Fiona's Aldi version is still good: [link]
C - Christina Hendricks, F - Danneel Harris, M - Gillian Anderson
F - Amy Adams, C - Bonnie Raitt, M - Alicia Witt
F - Adam Brody C- Matthew Morrison M - Justin Timberlake
Oh, and Perkins, you have safely distracted me from my deep, meaningful Friday task of finding closeups of Benedict Cumberbatch's (C - All But) bottom teeth to justify my vague ranty cakes about two different mediocre Sherlock BBC stories.
Aw thanks! But I'm taking that as a challenge!
You are funny.
My son was too boogery to go skiing with dad and sis, so I brought him to school with me. Oy! But he's been surprisingly good so far. TGFiPhones is all I'm saying.
I myself got distracted while looking at the boys, so thank you!
For some reason I consistently read this threat title as Bjork Bjork Bjork.
The threat level is 3 Bjorks! That's pretty high!
Went to the doc. She agreed that my lungs are staging a coup. Had a breathing treatment and got reacquainted with a peak flow meter. I now have Prednosone which means the return of SUPER BITCH. Joy. And no karate for 5 days. More joy. Of the kind that is NOT.
And I still haven't heard from my group leader about my merit increase. It goes in effect tomorrow and I should be able to look it up online then. But still. Grrrrrrrrr.
Sorry for the lack of joy, Suzi, but I'm glad you went to the doc.
Boo, Suzi. But I'm glad you have treatment.
The threat level is 3 Bjorks! That's pretty high!
Ha. We are in imminent danger of swan dresses!
Dudes. I am setting them up and knocking them down today in terms of productivity. Making up for spending all yesterday languishing in bed, I guess. But I knocked out the two overdue corporate tasks.
If I do the two household tasks I've been putting off, I'll get to the point where all my autofocus pages with undone tasks are contiguous! I realize this is a big deal to no one but me, but think of the gained productivity from not having to flip back pages and pages!