I just sprayed my whole lawn by hand for weeds. shower felt so good. It's supposed to get in the 80s today so I hope the heat super activates the poison and they die die die.
I'd like to get some bills paid, papers gone thru, and then either swap out seasonal clothes or do more yardwork. Not sure I'll get through all that.
I can't get past 27 or 26, and yet I keep trying.
What's worse is that I've drenched individual levels in 23 or 24 a whole bunch of times, but when it's the actual limit I need to hit? No go.
I can't get past 27 or 26, and yet I keep trying. Eeeeevil.
I got down as far as 24 once, but mostly I crash at 26. I think the later levels are harder as well as allowing fewer steps, somehow.
I'm around, oh nicest one.
And backflung.
Work is slllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww today. My workload has dropped and I'm scrounging for stuff. Do not like.
At least the common response includes a compliment - "I don't have anything for you right now, but I know how great you are with X".
The production downside of having my regular meeting with my VP on Friday mornings is that then I feel like my workday should be over, but not so much.