Write your tell-all now! There's money to be made!
I wish there were something to tell. And I'm sure he would
it. We're actually still good friends, despite him facilitating the whole Ascot Man debacle. We just have wildly different political viewpoints (but we joke about it, especially now that I live in San Francisco).
Feh. My lying Republican congressman is now my lying Republican senator (Kirk). Bleargh.
I think I'm going to go to bed soon.
My senate race is getting tighter and tighter. Blast. Ken Buck scares me.
I think I should go to bed without checking the news. It would be better for my blood pressure.
Ugh. This whole thing is depressing me. I mean, I'm glad that the Dems mostly seem to be winning in my state, but YEESH (plus a few of the ballot measures I wanted are not winning/losing as requested)
Crap, crap, crap. Ken Buck is ahead by 3% with 49% reporting.