It looks like Florida is going to be represented by all Republicans and while they aren't calling the Gov's race Rick Scott is ahead. He's basically a tea party candidate and spent $50 million of his own money in the primary and I don't know how much since then.
I swear you would think that Nancy Pelosi and Obama were running for every office in Florida because every single attack ad against Dems goes like this "THEY WILL BOW DOWN TO PELOSI WILL!!!" "They AGREE With OBAMACARE!"
And something called the Susan B. Anthony List (which I haven't researched yet) sent flyers around about Alan Byod about how he is corrupt and evil and supports abortion.
The ad goes something like LIFE! OR OBAMACARE! Which do you want your Representative to Support?
I...did not know they were mutually exclusive?
Suzi, I forget, where in Colorado are you? A friend of mine is moving to Boulder next month.
I'm south of Denver in the "South Denver Metro Area". Eh, the 'burbs. Boulder is about an hour-ish from here. Depends on traffic.
So Rand Paul won in Kentucky.
A chicken in every pot and a boot in every face.
I don't get how that can be the same state where Lexington just elected an openly gay mayor. [link]
DJ, so sorry for your loss.
DJ, that's so awful. I'm sorry.
I'm south of Denver in the "South Denver Metro Area". Eh, the 'burbs. Boulder is about an hour-ish from here. Depends on traffic.
I also have a friend in Denver, and maybe one other. I may be reaching a critical mass of Coloradoans to visit.
Whew, not another round of Gov. Stupidhair.
Did you get the evil robocall?