My almost-19-year-old voted for the first time today. I think I was more excited that she was. I usually absentee vote because I work very far away but the boss is out of town so we picked up my mom and all 3 generations voted. It was cool!
It's a good thing I went with them though, our polling place is the elementary school up the street and it's got some major renovations going on, so we had to pick our way across a corner of the construction site and mom needed both of us to steady her on the plywood walkway the construction guys thoughtfully provided (otherwise it would have been muddy shoes ahoy!)
I finally got a human call from the Republicans today instead of a robo-call. I asked them to remove me from their list as I am a commie, pinko, Socialist Democrat.
Nope. It has her name and office location. It also says "no phone calls please!" My email says to contact her for more information. I will forward any emails that I get.
Ay yai yai.
Yay voting!! Our governor's race is pretty heavily contested, but my Rep was unopposed.
Ooh, we're having an off-site in Monterey in a couple weeks, and one night, we're having dinner at the Monterey Bay Aquarium!
I went to the library and swung by the polling place on my way home, which was noticeably busy. I voted for Martha Coakley's Republican opponent without knowing much about him, on the basis that he's most likely better.
Here's hoping that Question 3 fails -- an initiative to set the state sales tax back to 3%... in a year when the state has already made a bunch of painful cuts to public spending.
Here's hoping that Question 3 fails -- an initiative to set the state sales tax back to 3%... in a year when the state has already made a bunch of painful cuts to public spending.
I know, right?? Fucking people.
A Tax-and-Spend Democrat
Megan, I hear ya--I don't think any of my friends are running yet, but the few republicans I have on my fb friendslist are all from college (I have an excoworker who's a teapartyer, but keeps it quiet). The college folk are pretty hardcore, working for reps an stuff. Luckily, since I did theater, most of mine are uber-lib.
Well, on his Facebook page he's a Goldwater Republican, but I think that really just means he wishes we were back in the 50s.
Okay, I finally ordered this shirt after years of coveting it, and I have to share the totally cute e-mail I got.
From: TopatoCo Strategery and Support
To: Me
Subject: Someone is About to Get a Package From TopatoCo!
And that someone is [P-C]! [P-C] is about to get a package in the mail from TopatoCo, former washing machine repair shop turned world famous webcomic merchandise distributor!
Basically we just wanted to let you know that your order 134517 has shipped and the tracking information is below. Thank you so much!
[tracking information]
If you're in the USA, expect your package in 3-4 days. If you're in Canada, about two weeks. If you are from a magical land far, far away it can take up to four weeks depending on how serious the Customs Agent is. Tracking is not available for most international destinations (unless you paid for Express shipping), but all packages have Customs IDs.
If you need more information, please visit [link] or write to Thanks for supporting independent artists on the Inter-Tubes of CyyyyberSpace!
TopatoCo provides storefront and/or shipping services for the following independent creators. Learn more about them at >[link]
Holly, Kaliis, Jeffrey, and Anybody Else Who Shows Up
"TopatoCo. Thinking of the Children So You Don't Have To."
It's not that I'm totally opposed to lowering the sales tax -- for one thing, it hits poor people a whole lot harder. The people behind the question would scream the loudest if there was a valid proposal to lower the sales tax i
and raise something else
to make up for the loss.