I've used a night guard for years. I get splitting headaches when I don't. Sometimes I feel like I clench harder, but most of the time it retards that. I've got a custom-made one which is soft but is made to fit my teeth EXACTLY.
Once on an extended trip, I forgot my night guard. I went and bought a plastic Chore Boy scrubber and put that in my mouth. I felt utterly ridiculous, but it was easy to breath through and was too big to be swallowed so I didn't have to worry about choking. It was also too big to easily close my mouth, which kept my teeth from grinding. Worked really well.
Side-effects from tooth grinding: headaches, gum recession (from teeth going back and forth in their holes), increased tooth sensitivity (due to gum recession and worn enamel).
Oh, I'm all for putting plastic in my mouth...:P
Thanks Sophie--but it's a rigid, custom one, shaped to my teeth. So you'd think it'd be more helpful. And yet, I feel like my teeth hurt MORE! Sigh. I expect it may still be better for them.
The snout shots are adorable.
Also: I love pictures of dogs with their ears flying - where the dog had drop ears
And I got home from work around 5:30 - lay down to take a nap and woke up at 10:30. My Monday has been consistently not good
I'm not putting anything rigid in my mouth.
Go on, go on, I did that just for you.
well, I guess that it's good that you like girls, then.
well, I guess that it's good that you like girls, then.
...lots of girls like...er....OK, y'all can guess where I'm going with that. Rigid. Plastic. Mouth.
Yay for javachik, Hec, and other Giants fans!
::still running around in circles like an overcaffeinated chihuahua::
Yay for the Giants and their fans!
We learned to hit in derby practice tonight! Man, did I ever need that!
Home. Bed. ER. Sad at loss of adventure, but it did hurt a lot. Caught up on much stuff. Learnt new stuff. Will process tomorrow ofter ER.
::still running around in circles like an overcaffeinated chihuahua::
Video or it didn't happen.
No video - sorry.
But, this was fun. After the win I had to go walk down the block to the corner store to get some milk. Matilda wanted to come with me.
So, we're out on the street and she starts chanting: "Let's Go Giants"
In that rally cadence that would be familiar to anybody that's ever gone to a game.
"Let's Go Giiii-ants!" Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap
And as she's skipping down the street chanting this, drivers are honking the clap part for her.
"Let's Go Giii-ants!" Honk Honk Honk-Honk-Honk.
Like, five different drivers as they went down the street the other direction.
It's pandemonium out there. Sirens. People screaming out windows. Everybody converging on Mays plaza at the ballpark. Horns honking. Fireworks going off.