There were lots of fireworks going off nearby. Is that a normal Halloween thing? Apparently it is here.
It was when I was growing up. There's lots of fireworks being set off year round in the public housing near my place, but I guess last night was just too cold and rainy.
What neighborhood are you in ita?
I would say "Thank you for the attention you've given this, but hubs and I have discussed this and we really want [insert a detailed plan of exactly what you want]."
I think if you have exactly something in mind the counselor will have a harder time going against your wishes.
Fred, could you just try saying that you're not in the right headspace to make this decision now, but you will think about it for the future, and you will get back to him about this after the funeral?
Hubs is also worried that Counselor may get vengeful if we give a flat-out no at this point.
Seriously?? That's nuts. I'd just say no, you're pushing us into something we don't want and we are taking our business elsewhere. And then do. It's not worth the trouble!
D's present costume was a big hit last night. I was so proud - the whole thing was his idea, I just put it together.
He's not a baby anymore! When did you do that?
vengeful how? What is the process to remove the cats you already have there? If you plan to move them after you retire, why not just move them now?
Also, go over this guys head if he is not giving you what you need.
Unsolicited idea - if there is an nature preserve or animal sanctuary around, you might call and see if they allow burials. It would probably mean the animals would need to not be moved again, but that would be a very peaceful resting place.
7.5 baths just seems excessive.
well, there are 11 rooms. I'm more aghast about the TWO eat in chef's kitchens. I mean, I like to cook, but whoa! And I would only use one, otherwise, I'd be in kitchen A, saying "where the hell is the rolling pin? Oh, it's in Kitchen B" Although, if I could afford that house, I could certainly afford two rolling pins.
Anybody got any ideas on how to tell this guy no, or at least get him off our backs until after Max's service, while keeping things civil?
Would you like me to call? Seriously, I would be happy to have a word. This is not what you need right now.
I love the British. I'm listening to a british radio station online, and they said "So, it seems that they are having some pay issues at the Royal Opera. In their honor, I'm playing something from La Boheme - 'Your Tiny Hand is Frozen' "