When Franny was 3 or so she was helping me give out candy and she refused to give any to the kids wearing the Scream masks because they scared her.
I think I would still refuse to give out candy to people who scare me. But unless I am renting kids, I use the awesome time-honored tradition of My Lights Are Out and You May Not Knock for Candy.
Even with the lights on, I always get almost zero people here and, well, I don't like people so the lights are just off now. It's easier for all of us this way.
Scrappy, that's a great costume! I love it when the parents get into it, too.
Does anyone have a spare $18 million lying around? [link]
Holy crap! I wish I did!!!
I could probably chip in enough to buy a door knob.
I don't like the color yellow, though, and the Landmarks Commission wouldn't let me change it.
When you're in the place, you won't have to look at the yellow.
Well then, I am going to void this check. Keep looking though.
Dudes, I overslept and probably made mac tardy for school. no biscuit for me.
I think I need to shower to wake up, but then I need to do some yardwork which just means another shower. hmmm. Maybe I will do yardwork in little tiny bits and not get sweaty. lots of breaks.
It's 37F here. And probably in the mid-50s indoors. I have donned thermal underwear under the regular indoor clothes.
7.5 baths just seems excessive.
yikes Theo. 57F outside here, inside is probably around 72 and I have a sweatshirt on. I am so wimpy and have already switched over to heat. I have a feeling this house is going to be very cold for me this winter, the windows are crap. I think I will speak to my neighbor who just had all of hers replaced and see who she used. Maybe I could do that this month.