What Windsparrow said above re: id. They can be really problematic for people who are already disenfranchised. Way back when someone (megan?) asked me to elaborate on my opposition to id requirements for voting, and I never did, but if I had, that's what I would have said.
Congrats on the good placement, Zmayhems. That's really great news, and a huge plus in the financial column.
Love "All My Internet Friends." Yay us indeed! I'm glad other people have other usses. (You would all laugh just now at how many ways I tried to fictionally pluralize "us.")
I also have squee to share that no one will care about, but I have to squee anyway. So years ago I had this favorite Celtic punk band, that radicalized me. Their lead singer was very charismatic and passionate, did civil disobedience and brought medical supplies to Iraq when it was under sanctions, basically the sort of person who could start a cult that I would join. I went to a bunch of workshops he led and argued vehemently at them. It was really formative in my intellectual and social growth.
So later, the bass player from that band, who had become friends with the SO through some world music stuff they'd done together, moved his family out to us in New Mexico where they lived and worked alongside the Navajo people in an effort to prepare themselves for later work in Tuva, near Mongolia. He's the one who did the actual throat-singing that Sheldon did on BBT.
Anyway. So this week, I commented on something the bass player said about Japan on facebook. And apparently on the strength of that the former lead singer friended me. Then announced he was quitting facebook, so I snarked at him that friendship with me had put him over the edge and emailed him to get info for his blog.
And he emailed me back, and I turned into a fangirly ball of mush. Which is stupid, because I didn't get like that when the bassist was living in my house, so I don't see why I have to be like this now, but still, squee!
And it turns out it was a flounceoff, so I still have to temper my facebook posts with whether they'll pass muster with this Jewish lapsed Christian anarchist poet (hey, he should meet Victor) and also with my uberConservative suburban donors.