I was so taking notes during the chocolate conversation. Must try the Dagoba. I'm also willing to try the regular cocoa but at the 3 T amount per weensy serving. How bad could it be?
Kat, as a mom what has seen a lot of goodie bags, I think the less objects in them, the better. Those are perfect.
Ugh Kristin, I hate having to change my class plan at the last minute. Esp when the plan had been NO CLASS.
Ack, Kristin. That's a lot of class to prep for when you weren't expecting it.
I want chocolate now. Mmm, chocolate.
So AT&T is buying T-Mobile? When is the Quickening?
Fucking Insomnia Fairy. I got 3 hours of sleep last night, and I'm at work now. Fuck.
I've been up since ass o'clock in the morning. Sharing a small, uncomfortable guest bed with the kids at my sister's does not make for a good night's sleep.
But I got up, walked the dog, made coffee and baked cherry turnovers. So there's that.
Thunder and lightning and hail. All before 7 am. I am never going to get used to morning thunderstorms.
I would love to know what time ass o'clock is. It sounds like an obscene time, no doubt.
Sorry to hear that I am not the only person waking up at the ass-crack of dawn.
I drove into work during the hail storm. That wasn't a nice way to start Spring, Mother Nature!
We helped my mother turn 77 over the weekend. K entertained her by reading the numbers & letters off of license plates while we walked around.