I sympathize with you on the depression, Allyson. I am usually relieved when it's chemical rather than situational because I know the chemical stuff will go away after a while, but I don't know if that's your experience. I hope the gloom lifts soon.
I really have too small of open yaard, no real need for mulch beyond what already happens in my yard and then there are the rats, which would turn it into a condo, so no composting for me.
Oh, I didn't mean for *you* to compost. I meant that there are gardeners who actually make deals with homeowners to get their leaves for their compost. Some gardeners are so in need of that organic material that they'll even rake 'em up themselves. And that's what I was hoping you could find.
I am so resentful of mac not helping to straighten the house, even when I specifically ask him to help me with something. I cannot imagine how I would handle it if I had a non-helpful spouse.
I'm really with you on that. I've spent my life picking up after other people. Once I became disabled, I resented picking up after able-bodied people even more. I'm in the midst of that situation at home here, playing Cinderella to my siblings. So, yeah, I totally get the resentment. I hope mac starts to feel like he gets something out of contributing. That it makes him feel more like a grownup (even though he isn't)... Some kids develop that and I hope he does.
I just got some trick or treaters looking to get a jump on the Halloween rush.
I am utterly puzzled and feel curmudgeonly about this. I can understand a school or church or something having a special event before H'ween but people trick-or-treating house-to-house before Oct. 31 IS NOT ON.
I am in Wicker Park, on a bus that's averaging way less than walking speed. Some day I'll make it to the train station....
For the wee Vader trifecta... [link]
I am now on a train full of drunken costumed people. Fun....
Finally made it home. An angel sat next to me and got glitter on my leather jacket. And a guy asked me what music I was listening to. That was the extent of my excitement.
Allyson, I am reading Sam to mac at bedtime and we are both loving it.
Why am I up? Well, I went to bed at 9:30, so there's that, then, cats - they insisted on food.
I am going to try for more sleep now though. The arthritis in my right hand is making it feel like a swollen achy club more than a hand.
Skipping oh-so-much (oh, what brave new world, with such internet in it! You're back! And, hopefully, this time, without any disappearing-for-almost-a-week like you did last time!) because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is DCJensen's birthday.
Happy birthday, Daniel! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
And, of course, my deepest apologies to all those whose birthdays I've missed in those dark troubled days of no internet* - I've threadsucked now and was pleased - though, obviously, not the bit surprised - that you were still wished great blessings on time, but still, I wish I could join, as well, with electrons on board, and not just in my heart.
*Well, they were dark and troubled because moving your stuff from three places at once is tough, especially when the place that has the most day-to-day items you need in order to, well, live day-to-day, is 13 floors down and is the proud owner of an elevator which stopped functioning right when you needed it in order to move from that temporary place, and if possible, on time for the beginning of the semester its crazy hours. Oh, and it's been unfunctioning for 3 weeks before finally getting fixed, and yup, climbing 13 floors with a couple of bags each time instead of loading a big cart a few times through the elevator is never fun, and where was I? Oh, yeah. Having no internet for that time was dark and troubled, as well - I missed the world.
Welcome back, Nilly! Sorry moving was such a pain. How's the new place?
Oh my goodness, Nilly -- 13 floors is WAY TOO MANY. But I'm glad you're settling in a new place, finally.
Also: Happy birthday, Daniel!
Also also: Now I really need to do stupid work before I go to brunch, and holy cow, do I not want to do that.