Ugh, Dana. I hope the work is quick and the migraine is gone.
Don't some places have Halloween festivities on Saturday if the actual day falls on a Sunday?
I meant to do lots of stuff today, but instead I took a very long nap, so now I am trying to do some of it now.
Oh Dana!
There was a fair number of people in Halloween costumes on the bus today, so I do think there are festivities today.
I am listening to a fayjay read arthur/eames podfic. But since I have never seen inception, I am picture Arthur from the BBC Merlin, and Eames from L&O: CI.
I am fighting a bit of a headache, and trying to decide what the heck to wear to a party tonight. But at least I finally have a party to go to (though it's thrown by the smelly hippies, so we'll see how long I last, I always feel madly out of place). (Costume choices include a boyscout shirt, but nothing else that makes it costumey, or devil horns, but no idea what to wear with that...)
Sheesh, Dana. Do not explode while Dana's brain is trying to escape, work!
Ugh, Allyson, I hate that for you.
Blargh, meara! Leave Buffistas alone, universe! My experience with smelly hippies is that they don't really care about how you look. Smelly hippies are awesome.
Costume choices include a boyscout shirt
You could be the kid from Up, whose name is escaping me.
You could be the kid from Up, whose name is escaping me.
Feel better and stay away from reporters, Dana.
Feel better and stay away from open windows, Allyson. Seriously, though, your book is on our mantelpiece and it's a fine bit of work. It's a huge triumph to even finish a book, much less publish it and get it out into the world. In my opinion, it's basically equivalent to finishing your Ph.D. in creative writing. But there's always some let down after you finish.
Allyson, 3 copies of your book are on backorder for me, I hope to get them in time to give to my nephews and my mom, the reading teacher, who will incorporate it into her library (and knowing her, feature it cause BATS!!!)
Dana, here's to hoping that the dr visit is not undone by the work shit.
I also have 3 cat cinnamon rolls. Apparently 65 inside causes this. It also makes me put on socks.
I wish I had recorded Loki's walk tonight (well, the highlights, at least.) The pure joy and CRAZYRUNTREEUP HI STINKY COUCH OUT FOR BULK TRASH OMG BIRD would probably elicit at least a modicum of mood improvement for a moment. As would the passer-by's doubletakes and the ridic of me standing around trying to distract the Loki from a grass patch and just MOVE. And Loki's reaction when neighbor Dorrie emerged from her boy's truck with a fatass tortiecat. He couldn't figure out whether to run to them or from them and the tortie was just confused. What I can't figure out is why when he sees just people, his inclination is to run back to the house, but when he sees people with DOGS, he starts back, but then starts towards them. He has no survival skills. Hence leash and halter.
I feel like I'm neglecting to tell stories of my other cats, but really, you've heard all their firsts before. Devi's still my bitchkitty, with her peculiar wants and trills and thanks to the ass Loki, I don't get her morning cuddles as much as I'd like, but she's much more receptive to them othertimes now, and frankly has mellowed. MK...well, my poor old man sleeps alot. But he's fucking 18 now. At least. With 8 years of diabetes! He's a goddamned miracle cat. Whose coat has bulked up a lot in the past few weeks, cause of the cool inside. I gotta say, it looks good on him.
So, that was fun! The best part was the photographer, who I wouldn't have gone over to if a family friend didn't make me. He was taking great pictures that they were projecting on a screen right then, so that was cool. So I strike the arms-akimbo pose, and it was totally like being on ANTM, with the photographer telling me how to change my pose! And then a Spock who I didn't know came at me with a chair, so that was awesome. And THEN he said, "Do you want to hold me over your head?" And I said, "Of course I do!" figuring the rest of the sentence was, "But of course that's impossible." But no, he rounded up two other guys to hold him, I got on my knees, and Bob's your uncle. That was fun. And I apparently went to high school with one of the other guys, but we didn't know each other.
So there's that.