For me, I'm more willing to donate to support something I value (like NPR/PBS) but I'm irrationally annoyed at being asked to pay for something that I had been getting free.
mr. flea and I just chatted and I think we will be cancelling Dish ($30) and Tivo ($13) and going to a combination of Netflix streaming ($7) and Hulu and iTunes and stuff that streams online anyway (like NOVA and Nature). I think most of that we watch is available one way or the other. Not Wild Kratts, which is new, and probably not So You Think You Can Dance.
Good news zen!
Glad you have a diagnosis, and wishing you have a speedy recovery, ita.
flea, Jess has done that using Apple TV. Great idea!
ita, I'm so glad you got a diagnosis and pain meds that work, and that you're getting help on the grocery front (thanks, Burrell!). Clear soups are good for uneasy tummy, but the colder popsicles, sorbets, applesauce things are more appealing when I have urghy tum. Bananas, and then things like rice, rice in broth. I hope reaquiring actual food goes well and smoothly for you.
WooHoo, Zen! That goes a little way toward compensating you for all the nonsense your job causes.
I know we need worst-case scenarios for contingency planning. But I do wish it wasn't what sells news.
That's awesome, Zen!
We just got word that my company has donated $1.25 million (100 million yen) to the Japanese Red Cross. Nice.
Nathan Fillion is on the cover of EW: [link]
SYTYCD is online, generally, not legally and not in the context of the whole show, but still.
Yay, Zen!
I just got an email from a librarian who works in DC with the same title as I have. She's apparently about to go into salary/job description negotiations and would like me to give her my job description and my salary (or a ballpark figure).
Now, normally, I am all for revealing this kind of information and happy to help another librarian.
However, way back when, this person and I worked in the same library and there's no hint that she remembers me at all. Worse (for her chances of getting me to answer that email) her appearance at my old work place also meant that the big boss gave my office to her and my job, and changed my title and stuck me in a cubicle. (And then I quit and left for Berkeley which pissed off the old big boss because she tried so hard to sabotage my job search.)
I am so tempted to send her a fake job description and tell her I make half of what I do. eta: And cc it to her boss and the dean of her school, of course.