My tubbie friends describe pain there as part of GERD but it could also be an esophageal spasm. I don't know what the treatment is, but it can be a result of reflux and it can also result IN reflux.
Since I don't have a GP, the sensible thing is to go to Urgent Care if it still hurts in the AM, right?
And, don't tell me to get a GP. I'm getting a GP. He just can't see me before the 25th of April.
Ooh! I've been desiring to kill something for a while. Maybe I'm sick too?
omg, it's an epidemic. Me too!
the sensible thing is to go to Urgent Care if it still hurts in the AM, right?
So that lady on the nurse hotline said to go to the ER right now. You have no idea how much I really don't want to do this. Absolutely sucky time of day, to boot.
Go anyway, ita. It sucks, but go.
Yeah, you gotta go. I`m worried about you. If it`s something minor, then good. If it`s more serious, getting it taken care of right away is in order.
Oh, ita, I'm sorry. But it could be something important, so you should probably go. I hope (of course) that it isn't important, though.
I seem to be mostly over my cold. Or all the alcohol I consumed this evening is anesthetizing my stuffed-up sinuses, can't tell. Whiskey, margaritas, then whiskey again. Possibly unwise.
I walked a long way to have mediocre Tex-Mex food in a loud place with Mariachi bands. But I discovered that one of the lawyers I like from the DC office is moving to the Bay Area, so that's cool, and she's a good thinking lefty.
Now to bed, and then to wake up far too early for a Californian, and a day of training that will end with lots of arguments. Joy.
It's not the right day to go to the ER. That has been a factor in my not going in the past. I hate having to admit to the same people, new stuff. If I were really crazy, I'd go the Santa Monica ER. But this needs to stop.
Shit, sounds like my mother is having a melt-down. And I'm in Texas. Argh.
(And I have the hiccups. Very annoying.)
ita, you need to go. And, really, you need to go to the hospital with the best medical history of you. I understand not wanting to, I do.