There are entrance exams for kindergarten?
The ERBs. They test if the kid knows letters, numbers, shapes, colors, stuff like that. And also, since we're talking about four-year-olds here, they also test how willing the kid is to sit in a room with a stranger and show off what he or she knows. Most of the private schools in NYC require them as part of an application. Lots of parents enroll their kids in prep courses or even get private tutors. (My mother still brags about how my older sister got a great score on them even though she hadn't had any of the prep stuff. I never took them, since we moved to the suburbs, where I would go to public school, the year before I started kindergarten.)
My sister also, during the tour of a school at her entrance interview, walked into the library and exclaimed, "Oh, look, a library! I love books!" My mother also still brags about this.
I heard from my uncle - and he was at work so that seems very normal.
It turns out I had the wrong email address for him.
Thank goodness sumi.
I have skimmed, but I want to offer up good thoughts to Kat's Grace's surgery, and to anyone with relatives and friends in Japan and to anyone else who needs it!
He says that my cousin Sawako is still in Sapporo and will remain there until her students come back to the university. (She teaches at Iwate University at Morioka - so who knows when that will be.)
hoping today is a better day for Kat
and everyone really.
It is rainy ad good for staying in bed. however, I should go to work
've been watching Junior Masterchef Australia. It is inCREDible. 8-12 year olds who are basically 5 star chefs. Creative, poised, skilled and cordial.
Somehow, I can't imagine that show making it in America.
You know, I'm pretty sure the majority of Australian 8-12 year olds are not budding 5-star chefs.
I called in sick today because I was up most of the night with a peculiar implacable stomachache. It feels like the sphinctre at the top of my stomach is hurting. It just hurts and hurts and nothing I can do eases it. No pills, no burping, nothing.
I said "stomach flu" on the message because I wanted to be clear it wasn't my headache.
And then I went to lie back down. But that didn't last. I had a sudden and overwhelming urge to
I don't
isn't my thing. Boy, did I ever
I'm not sure if it helped the pain any, but I sure do feel dizzy and spent. Did I mention I never
Because I totally don't. Why is my stomach at war with me?
Also, why did Skype change their interface? Don't want change.
Oh lord, ita. Stomach flu indeed. Yuck.