I don't want to keep this going (especially since posting on an iPhone is hell) but I will respond once for clarity. I didn't misunderstand, my point was that EVEN IF an owner was mistreating a dog, resulting in that dog being yappy, the dog's value is the same. I mentioned the peeing cat to contrast that it's misbehavior doesn't warrant it any less love than a yapping dog. And it's been mentioned here before that jokes about hurting cats were not taken well, and I would assume jokes about hurting dogs would be equally uncared for.
No one is saying Erin is abusive! Geez.
my point was that EVEN IF an owner was mistreating a dog, resulting in that dog being yappy, the dog's value is the same.
I didn't mean that the dog's value was any less. I apologize for implying that it was, because I absolutely don't think animals' lives and value are negotiable.
I'm sorry, and I will drop this.
No, I got your ETA after my post; we're good. Thanks Teppy.
So, I went to the library, picked up my new suit, and bought a wedding card. Now I am tired. I have had too many stairs in my day already. Luckily I don't have to do anything before this party except get ready for it.
Halloween amusement of the day so far: Woman in skimpy gladiator costume, walking with friend in corduroys and a jacket. The cords were brown, and her hair seemed to have a green tinge to it, so I'm guess some kind of tree costume, but she basically just looked fully-clothed.
Please, people make jokes all the time about drop-kicking small dogs, or wishing they'd die. I don't think it's funny. I don't care if the dog's happy or not. I don't care if the people can't take care of it. It's not funny, it upsets me, and I wish you guys wouldn't do it.
I hear you, Dana.
It was hyperbole; I don't usually mind barking dogs -- dogs bark, lizards hiss, ok -- but this is the SHRILLEST, MOST CONTINUOUS barking I have ever heard. And it's next door.
What I perhaps should have said, upon waking from listening to this dog yap since 6 am, for the third or fourth day in a row, to my much beloved kitty peeing on my leg, to which I responded with a gritting of teeth and muttered curses and no animal harm, because I don't do that, before I had any coffee, is that I wish that fucking yappy dog would shut the fucking fuck up.
I do not wish it, or any other dog, harm. We don't even have eagles in my hood. I just want it quiet(er).
I am sorry if this upset you; I never imagined it would, and I won't do it again. I didn't think I needed to police clear hyperbole so much.
I am, perhaps, a touch too cranky this morning.
msbelle, I hope Mac chills out, and comes back and you can clean your house and have a pleasant day.
Good luck with mac, msbelle.
Jesse, what ever happened with you and the custom suit?
he's back and we got all his clothes put up by working together. good lord this child. he had gone a block away, across a busy 4-lane street, and then come back - all on his scooter in flip flops and no helmet.
now we're lunching.
Phew, msbelle.
Jesse, what ever happened with you and the custom suit?
That's what I picked up today! I am in love with the pink lining in the jacket, I tell you what. But I have a Big Meeting this week, and I think I won't wear it, because I think I feel more power in my second-interview skirt suit, as opposed to these pants. Which do fit like a dream.
Jesse, I was assuming the suit you picked up was for your Wonder Woman costume! I have Halloween on the brain.
Oh, no. For the costume I'm wearing an older skirt suit. I have many suits!