Okay, here's the drill press in the driveway: [link] We are PURE CLASS. Note that it has a tarp over it to protect it from the elements, because you wouldn't want the NEVER-USED drill press to get rusted, WOULD YOU??? (The drill press may be a bit of a sore point in our relationship.)
All the shingles in the driveway are from when the house next door (the brick house in the right of the picture) was being re-roofed. For some reason -- and DEFINITELY without our permission -- the roofers decided to throw all the old shingles (AND NAILS) in our driveway instead of, say, renting a dumpster or throwing the shingles in the backyard of the house they belonged to.
(That was actually the purpose of the series of pictures this one is from -- proof in case the homeowner didn't clean it all up. To his credit, the roofers cleaned it all up the next day -- like a shopvac had been through. But it still shouldn't have happened in the first place.)
I have an entire book of bacon. I can't wait to crack it. The bacon mary cocktail seems a decent place to start, but, plain bacon! Maybe I should put bacon on top of my popcorn and not bacon salt. Real, trufax bacon.
Smonster, what about something like "Rebuilding Lives"?
It's a good thing Tim and I didn't get together, because I'm thinking, "Cool. I want a drill press."
It's a good thing Tim and I didn't get together, because I'm thinking, "Cool. I want a drill press."
The oscilloscope in the attic? AWESOME. The drill press (and the multiple lawn mowers -- none of which he uses, BTW, because he uses a push reel mower) just clutters up MY DRIVEWAY. (I have to say it in all caps like that, because it conveys how aggrieved I get. Like I would ever do anything with the driveway anyway. It's just one of those things, you know?)
I can send you Puppycat. Puppy in a feline form, bless her very small brain.
Will Puppycat do puppy playdates?
My friend has mobility issues and they've been training their border collie to bring her the mail, but she has to ask. Today he brought the mail in to my friend in the next room without prompting. Smart dog! They just got a second border collie, and I figure they have those dogs running the household.
ita, trying popping popcorn in bacon grease instead of oil or butter. A college roomie turned me on to it. It's yum.
popping popcorn in bacon grease
Sweet mystery of life at last I've found you!
I've actually never popped my own popcorn before but now I have a
compelling reason to!
I cooked the eggs using bacon grease, you would have thought I had introduced CJ to a new food instead of just scrambled eggs.