Wikipedia is in Hec's butt...pass it on.
Better that than Wikileaks.
The 1976 Tangshen earthquake in China killed between 242,000 and 779,000 people.
Yeah, Wallybee's family felt that earthquake when she was growing up. In Chengdu, which is not remotely close to Tangshen.
The death tolls that come out of China for natural disasters are truly staggering. Especially floods, historically; the Yellow River is extremely prone to flooding. The high volume of sediment it carries (hence 'Yellow' River) has led to it changing course maybe nine times in recorded history, and the river bed is now elevated above the surrounding (very flat) plains over much of its lower course.
I keep wanting to grab news people and say, "Get a grip. This isn't On the Beach."
I read that book just last year! Nice to know Melbourne is the last to go. Unless you count Hobart, and really, who does?
At any rate, the World Health Organization estimates that the people in living in the highly contaminated zone near Chernobyl received about 33 millisieverts (mSv) of exposure, or the equivalent of three to five cat scans.
I saw a program on the wildlife around Chernobyl. They're thriving better than anyone expected, even though the environment still contains radioactive material. The absence of humans apparently outweighs the doses of radiation they're receiving (so far at least).
It'll never beat 65 Billion years BC. That was a real disaster. Disasters these days don't know shit.
Pfft. You kids today with your Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction events. The Permian-Triassic, now that was an extinction event.