And the upcoming apocalypse on May 21.
Isn't that a Rapture? How is that going to affect the whole 2012 thingie? Is God trying to upstage the Mayans?
I think the Mayan thing is May 21, 2012. The rapture needs to get on board if it wants to happen before then.
Oh right. The apocalypse is on October something. It's the rapture on May 21.
I wonder how Deborah Harry feels about the use of the word rapture in this context?
Also, 10:30 AM is a sucky time in a hospital cafeteria if you are looking for food that is not chicken wings from under the heating lamps.
To make my day a little more entertaining at UCLA, I have an interview at 2:00. Grace will be way out of surgery and into recovery by then. But ugh.
Sumi, funny that you should post that. Did you see this: [link] Reminded me of ita!
So, you wouldn't have bothered? Since he was just a dog?
Thanks for the kind thoughts about my brother, y'all. No updates yet.
best possible news for your brother , Hayden
I'm so glad that beautiful Boxer survived, but I have to say that video gave me major agita.
I'm all uppity with 'that's not cpr! Take a course, dude. I'll even teach you!
But then I have to remember that I didn't even know dog cpr existed until last May when Windsparrow hipped me to it.
God. I have a town hall in about 10. We've been having them every week for the past 3 or so, and it's pretty much, "We know everything you're hearing is bad, but that's not really what's going on and no, we cant tell you what's really going on." Then we all spend the rest of the day demoralized.
So he wasn't doing it right? Now I want to know what the right way is - are there good correct canine cpr videos on youtube?