You are all making me hungry. It is not fair to talk about breakfast at night.
I gutted it out through performing tonight, despite totally not feeling it, and it was fine, but took a shit ton of energy. Plus there was lots of jumping around just on general principle, and there was a gigantic group of high schoolers in the audience, so just high energy all around. So I came home wiped, and ravenous. I inhaled the SO's giant bowl of popcorn (it was okay, he was already asleep) but I'm still starving reading all this. A big hunk of cheddar cheese would go a long way, since I am, as always, Kat. But I don't have a big hunk of cheddar cheese. I have Gouda, but somehow that's not the same, plus the SO would wonder what happened to it. I do have regular oatmeal, not steel cut, so I could have some nearly instant gratification, except that it's over there and I'm over here...hmph.
Oo that's a good idea, Suzi. I have a TJs right up the block. Kinda dangerously close.
I just took a computer break to finally unpack and wash the two boxes of crystal I got from my aunt. It was originally my great-grandma's and grandma's; Aunt Barb had to get rid of just about everything when she went into assisted living, so since she had already given me Great-Grandma Alida's crystal lamp, I got the rest of it as well. Turns out, I now have three unmatched candlestick holders (or maybe they're stem vases?), a huge oval centerpiece bowl that weighs a ton, what looks like a candy jar with a lid topped with a finial that looks like the top of a Prussian war helmet, and a much simpler candy jar-like container that comes from Sweden (Grandma must have bought it there when she and Grandpa visited his old home in 1972). I cleaned off my tchotchke shelves and put them up there, where they don't look too bad.
I need more tchotchke shelves, though.
I've been in the waiting room two hours. Do much for coming in early. I'm scared I won't make it home in time, but I can't do another day, much less week like this.
I wish you lived near me, ita. My local community hospital has a website that keeps a running update of ER wait times, which is often under 5 minutes. While they wouldn't be my first choice for a life-threatening gunshot wound, for stuff that I've had like earaches and kidney stones they've been really great.
All the talk about oatmeal is making me want bacon and a cheese omelette.
My usual breakfast, when I have time to cook it, is Bob's Red Mill 5-Grain Hot Cereal cooked with almond milk. I like the multigrain cereal much better than plain oatmeal.
I don't do very much dried fruit--I prefer fresh--mostly bananas which are also carbtastic.
I found a whole grain bread that I truly love, which has been great. I tried 12 grain bread but switched back to 9 grain because those three extra grains were just overkill.
I still put butter and jam on it, though. And sometimes, Nutella.
I should try some whey protein in my diet--especially in the morning.
All the talk about oatmeal is making me want bacon and a cheese omelette.
My sistah in protein-appreciation!
I just had 5 biscuits and 5 pieces of turkey bacon for breakfast, with a glass of grape juice to wash it all down. I predict lunch will be late and light, or possibly nonexistent.
I had oatmeal with some frozen blackberries thrown in. And a couple of breakfast sausage.