because many people are wrong on the internet
They really, really are.
There was a guy who was being histrionic-ish on BBC. I Googled his org and realized he was not News, he was Public Relations. But really I only checked because he was so wrong on the tv. A lot of people might believe him talking about China syndrome, which, yes, he said was possible in Japan...
units 3-6 were already shut down for a scheduled outage and units 1-3 were affected by the loss of power
This is consistent with the careful reporting I have read.
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Pix, I have 8 paper sets now. Seriously... I'd say let's get together except I am proctoring tomorrow (a practice AP exam).
Kat, let me know if you do want to meet at any point this weekend. I will be writing comments nonstop until the sun sets Sunday. I've only finished 4 of 68 as of now, and each one takes me roughly 8 million years to write. To be fair to myself, I did finish grading a set of quizzes and doing a bunch of other lose ends from the quarter earlier today, so it's not like I completely slacked off, but I seriously want to go to bed now, and that is just not an option. I was supposed to do 22 today. I've done 4.
I am watching the original Tran. Because the tumblr feeds I follow are either Tron, Sherlock, Inception, or Supernatural. And A LOT OF TRON. I didn't remember shit from the first time round. It's kinda gay. I see why it's tearing up. It's very shiny. And gay. And Shiny. HE just derezzed in his friends hands, man. That was sad. That CLU.
Pix, definitely maybe for a meetup? Probably not long and dependent on how much I get done tomorrow.
I hate that I keep being in places where my family has to worry about my whereabouts re: natural disasters, but we are still in Australia, not due to hit Japan until the 30th. It's so scary, though. There was a trivia game in the crew bar last night but we all kept being distracted by the news coverage of the earthquake and the tsunami. I hope all this extreme weather calms down soon, but judging from how things have been going I highly doubt it.
I hope everyone here is well!! I'm just fine otherwise. I'm sitting in an internet cafe in Darwin, Australia, and we'll be in Brunei in a few days! I'm super excited about that.
I didn't have to have radiation today because the treatment center was having a computer upgrade, so I decided to celebrate by taking the car in for routine maintenance, which somehow evolved into two new tires too.
As soon as I finish doing the laundry I need for tomorrow, there's going to be wine.
I switched browsers from Firefox to Chrome on my netbook, and when I imported my bookmarks from Firefox, I found a bunch of random pages that I don't remember even looking at, let alone bookmarking. Including this: [link]
I'm wondering if the cats are trying to tell me something.
Thanks, le nub. Somehow the news always manages to find the Union for Concerned Scientists but not MIT.