"Hookers and blow!" said Juliana, as if it were the most natural thing in the world...until she realized that not everyone she knew was a Buffista.
I got it, though. She was glad for that.
YES! Though I felt we should then put rubber chickens on our heads. Though, if I had said that last night, they would have thought I am even more crazy.
flea, I've heard such nice things about Charleston. I hope you enjoy your visit!
I have Pilates (which I haven't been to in a month--bad Scrappy, no biscuit), going to see Rango with a friend and his kids, and working.
We just saw the tsunami! I took pictures. It was a mild wave by the time it hit us, but it's amazing that we could feel it over here. A giant butterfly flaps its wings in Japan...
First, I'm going to get over being super irritated at the presentation that I
to go to (WHY?!) about Health Care Reform given by the guy from the company that...I don't know...is our benefits administrator? WHY didn't I realize how biased it would be??? And I know enough to be like WRONG! MISLEADING! but not enough to put forth a coherent counter-argument. UGH! I really, really wish I was a smarter person sometimes.
AND the one person in my company whose presence I cannot abide was there and made a "joke" about people getting cancer and then getting married to get their spouse's health insurance. WTF? Why would he think that was approrpriate?
feh...now am shaky and nauseous and i have thinky work I have to do today!
Oh, and one VERY cool thing is also going to happen this weekend. You remember how we had our house madeover on TV? The reason I got interested inth e show was seeing them stain a concrete patio on an early episode and being amazed with how wonderful it looked. I actually said to Jason "Wouldn't it be great if we could get that woman to do OUR yard?"
I finally decided I felt ready to stain our (mostly concrete) backyard and contacted Carmen to ask what products to use. She said, "You do the prep and buy lunch I'll come over and do the staining. I like doing it and it will be great to see you guys." This is LITERALLY a dream come true for me.
Happy birthday, tommyrot!
I need to stop watching earthquake/tsunami coverage and get some stuff done.
In shallow news - I just realized all my ink is on display at the office today. And we have a quarterly lunch meeting which is highly attended by the big mucky mucks. Nice job, Suz...
It's friday! What are people doing this weekend, other than reading/avoiding earthquake and tsunami news?
I'm going up to Maine for a surprise dinner for my brother in honor of his 60th birthday.
Wow, Scrappy--that's is so cool! You really lucked out with that experience, and I loved watching the ep when it was broadcast. You looked great (as did your hubby!), and the place looked fantastic.